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Consiliul de Observatori GRT

На этой неделе три члена Наблюдательного совета (СН) Общественной телерадиокомпании (GRT) из Комрата подали в отставку, –...
This week, three members of the Supervisory Board (SB) of Comrat Public TV and Radio Company (GRT) resigned, according to the...
Noul Consiliu de Observatori (CO) al companiei publice Teleradio Găgăuzia (GRT) l-a numit, în...
During its meeting held on 26 April, the new Council of Observers (CO) of the ‘Teleradio...
Compania publică de televiziune și radio din Găgăuzia (Gagauziya Radio Televizionu...
Общественная телерадиокомпания Гагаузии (Gagauziya Radio Televizionu – GRT) находится снова в центре...
The public television and radio company of Gagauzia (Gagauziya Radio Televizionu – GRT) is again in the center of...
Consiliul de Observatori (CO) al Companiei publice regionale Teleradio Găgăuzia l-a numit director interimar al...
The Council of Observers (CO) of the Public Regional Company ‘Teleradio Gagauzia’ appointed Petr Vlah – Comrat municipal...